Author: Oriongirl
We could aspire…
to be more like this: Read more →
For your consideration…
think Chicago Pizza. Where shall we go? And When? Friday night? Saturday before the show? Read more →
Pizza Club Chicago?
Anyone interested in a trip to Chicago Labor Day weekend? August 31 — September 3? Plans will be had. Pizza will be had. Fun and booze will be had. Will you be there? Read more →
How do we have a pizza-club meeting here??
According to the website ( “The Wonderpizza Machine is the first super-automatic dispenser for a real, hot crispy pizza in three different choices, served on a practical tray in short time, less then 2 minutes! The first machine’s part is a refrigeration unit, which keeps the pizza’s temperature between 0 and +4°C; the second one houses an electrical oven that… Read more →