Author: Oriongirl
Pizza Club 01-19-2007 Pics
If you haven’t seen the pics.. they’re up. I’m sure our “fearless leader” will provide a summary.. at some point! Read more →
Cone Shaped Pizza?
Since our fearless leader has failed to (yet again) post a recap of our last meeting, I offer this for the consideration of Pizza-Club: As Pizza-Club, how do we feel about cone-shaped pizza? Do we need to try it before we decide? Is a trip to the UK or India required? Or, more importantly, should we start… Read more →
Pizza Club is Educational
So, as we wait for our head-master of pizza to do our write-up on the most recent pizza-club, I’d like to take a minute to remind people how much pizza-club has to teach us. Pizza-club has taught us that: 1) You should always call ahead to a new pizza location before you go to see if there’s actual seating. That… Read more →
Voter Fraud
There’s something I would like to bring to the attention of Pizza Club members. This is a very serious subject that we all need to really think about. If you look back in the Poll Archive, you will see that the Total Votes for poll number two is 579. Last I checked, there are only six pizza clubbers. After putting… Read more →