Due to the fact that I was in the hospital with a little bit of a coma for the past few weeks, I have been unable to write about the previous, or plan the next Pizza Club adventure. I see you have taken it upon yourselves to criticize me for my limited availability, but such is your impish ways. Time… Read more →
Category: Pizza Club News
Fuck Ina Garten and Fuck You, Too!
Just because you’re all jealous that I love Rachael and hate you guys doesn’t mean you should disrespect her. You guys are childish. Grow up. And no, this post isn’t childish. Read more →
Pizza + November = TJ is a slacker
We need to eat pizza this month. While we all wait for our supposedly fearless leader, I decided to post a suggestion. What do you blokes think? http://www.broders.com/cucina-italiana/index.html They have a fancy pants Italian joint across the street that is delish and it is only fair that we give their pizza a chance. Oh, and fuck those lame ass cone… Read more →
Cone Shaped Pizza?
Since our fearless leader has failed to (yet again) post a recap of our last meeting, I offer this for the consideration of Pizza-Club: http://www.konopizza.com/ http://www.crispycones.com/ http://www.pizzacorner.com/ As Pizza-Club, how do we feel about cone-shaped pizza? Do we need to try it before we decide? Is a trip to the UK or India required? Or, more importantly, should we start… Read more →
Like A Slice Through The Night
Halloween is coming, and you know what that means: I’m late with setting up the next Pizza Club meeting. Well, I went to my data, about which day is the best for Pizza, and then I looked at it, got tired, took a nap, and three days later I’m writing this garbage. Needless to say I’ve picked a day which… Read more →