The day has come and gone, but the Pizza lives on. Pizza Club has once again met, and comes away victorious. We got a hot tip on a fantastic Pizza Joint, Jakeeno’s. The name was found to be confusing, and a little frightening, as Phil wet his pants twice. Thanks for keeping that between you and your Huggies, Phil. The… Read more →
Category: Pizza Club News
Pizza Club Shall Henceforth Be Referred To As “The Best Thing Ever.”
With that out of the way, I have some other news for you: [10:42] turkeekow: maybe you should excessively anally plunder me I hope you find that as disturbing as I did. Needless to say, there is a Pizza Club meeting coming up. Bring your fancy plans, and pants to match, as we’re going to have a rockin’ good time. … Read more →
Once again I call you to listen up, bitches.
Now, we can argue in and out whether or not I’ve actually written the recap for the last meeting, but really, only time will tell if I ever do. I think what’s more important is that we look to the future, and not the past. I have been given a suggestion, from Ms. Oriongirl, as to where we can take… Read more →
Pizza Club is Educational
So, as we wait for our head-master of pizza to do our write-up on the most recent pizza-club, I’d like to take a minute to remind people how much pizza-club has to teach us. Pizza-club has taught us that: 1) You should always call ahead to a new pizza location before you go to see if there’s actual seating. That… Read more →
Astronomers Hate Pizza
On Thursday resolutions were approved by the International Astronomical Union. These resolutions defined planets and downgraded Pluto to a dwarf planet hence forever destroying my favorite pizza related mnemonic, “My Very Educated Mother Just Sat Upon Nine Pizzasâ€. This and other variations all including pizza have been taught for years to elementary school students to remember the order of the… Read more →