You’re one year older, one year wiser, Rock ‘n’ roll star, king, czar, and a kaiser, A room full of friends, a mouth full of cake, Every present is for you, and it feels pretty great, You’re the man of the hour, the VIP, You get the first slice, of the PIE, But first blow out the candles, and make… Read more →
Category: Pizza Club News
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Listen up bitches, I bring news of an upcoming Pizza Club event of the utmost importance! You may need to clear your schedules for this one, as it’s coming up quite quickly. This Friday in fact, Pizza Club will meet! At the new and updated PCHQ, is where you’ll need to be for this one. We’re traveling nearby, Ginelli’s Pizza.… Read more →
P2M (Pizza to Mouth)
Another Pizza Club meeting has come and gone, and once again I am tardy in procuring a written diatribe of our exploits. This past month in Pizza Club, we decided to switch it up a little bit. I am happy to say, that sometimes, traditions are made to be broken. With the arrival of the new Pizza Club HQ, (PCHQ),… Read more →
From my cold, tomato sauce smeared hands…
There are well organized and well funded groups in this world that have no love for the pizza. They are the pizza haters. They have at their disposal very subtle but potentially very effective means to carry out their goal of completely banning civilian possession of pizza, worldwide. They disguise their ignorant fear and hate of pizza in the name… Read more →
And this time, it’s not naked pictures of Bea Arthur. I demand that you respond to this idea: Pizza: of the self-made variety, this Saturday, the 22nd. Movie: of the film variety, and none of Philtheo’s favorite theatres. I am thinking about Clerks 2. Both of these in the same night, can only be good for everyone involved. Let me… Read more →