I know that Pizza Club web-site has seemed a bit lonely for a while, but I would appreciate your understanding. I have since become engaged, participated in buying and selling of a house, and my ever present fight against international Pizza terrorism. I don’t know that it needs to be said that Pizza Club requires a meeting for the month… Read more →
Category: Pizza Club News
Oh No You Didn’t!
Oh yes we did! The Fabulous Pizza Club came together again, once again with delicious results! This month’s adventure started from the same location, but this time on a Friday. Could the switch from Saturday to Friday destroy the Fun? Carry on reader, and join us for the most exciting Pizza Club Meeting yet! The usual collection of Pizza Club… Read more →
Hey Bitches
I feel like you aren’t paying attention, and that hurts me. I said that Pizza Club is meeting this FRIDAY and nobody has said nothing about it. As I said before, we are meeting this FRIDAY and if no one else goes then I will eat alone. Please let me know if you can make it, because my ego is… Read more →
Salutations and Preparations, mixed with a little Perspiration
Good day to you all of my fine Pizza Club compatriots! This is our second shortest notice on a Pizza Club meeting, but there it is. A busy wind blows upon us all, and it is in these times that we must step up our endeavors. This month’s quest brings us to Mama’s Pizza. The date shall be Friday the… Read more →
A Decision Must Be Made.
I think with all of the goings on, and what have yous, that Pizza Club may go against standard Saturday policy and convene on Friday the 19th. Sound off if you can make it, so we can get a count. This will become the official date unless everyone cries and goes home, in which case, I will eat pizza alone,… Read more →