I hope you’ve digested all of the Fat Lorenzo’s that you ate, because we need to have another meeting! There is in us a hunger for pizza that cannot be quenched! I propose (pending a vote) the weekend of May 19th. So make your voices heard! Add your opinion in the comments, and participate in the poll. Pizza must be… Read more →
Category: Pizza Club News
Pizza Club Meeting III
Within these pages lies the recap of the Third meeting of Pizza Club, on the day of our Lord (pizza), April the Twenty Second. The day started off heavy with anticipation. Some things may have happened before Pizza Club, the only one of any importance was the acquizition of several large cardboard containers which contained a nearly unlimited amount of… Read more →
The Future is Upon Us!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to say that we’ve collected all our schedules, and become one! The next journey of Pizza Club into the Dungeon of Delicious is this Saturday! We will be meeting at Erica’s and my abode for community and possibly some libations. I would ask that you all wear your Pants of Plenty, as they give… Read more →
How Do They Do It?
I had an idea this morning, for something that I feel would really emphasize the importance of Pizza Club, and would make our Pizza Club meetings that much more substantial. Perhaps we could make a business card, with some information about Pizza Club, and the URL, and we can leave that with our always waiter friendly tip. I think that… Read more →
A Decision Must Be Made.
I have narrowed down our choices based on nothing other than the fact that I found URL’s for these places. Please help us make a decision on where to eat. Feel free to click through and read about each of the establishments, or feel free to simply choose based on name, the weather, etc. Fat Lorenzo’s Mama’s Pizza Galactic Pizza… Read more →