There’s something I would like to bring to the attention of Pizza Club members. This is a very serious subject that we all need to really think about. If you look back in the Poll Archive, you will see that the Total Votes for poll number two is 579. Last I checked, there are only six pizza clubbers. After putting… Read more →
Category: Pizza Club News
Proposed meeting!
April wouldn’t be April without a meeting of Pizza Club. So a date has been proposed, of April 22nd. Please make a comment on whether or not you’ll be able to make the meeting. Or if websites frighten you, you can send an email to Also, if you have a suggestion for where Pizza Club should meet, please comment… Read more →
Welcome to our Pizza Club.
Thank you for joining us. Have a seat. No, that one is taken. By whom you ask? Well, dear sir or madam, it is taken by our love of pizza. This is our Pizza Club Official Website, where we will talk about Pizza, or Clubs, and meetings of said Club. We will have reviews of specific venues of pizza vendors.… Read more →